Are You Wondering if Teaching is Right for You?

Look...I get it! My first year in the classroom was so rough that I quit every day (in my mind anyway)! I had a mentor who was the nicest woman I have ever met, but didn't know a lot about mentoring and had her own responsibilities to take care of. She couldn't hold my hand every day, and she should not have had to.

But here is the thing...I thought I was fully prepared for what took place each day in a classroom. I thought I was going to be amazing. I quickly realized that college did not prepare me for the mandates from the school, the students, and the parents. I knew I had to either figure it out or find a new career!

Let me take you on a journey that will prepare you for all that is needed to be amazing! I will share my knowledge and skills that I gained during my 28 year career in education with you so that you can walk into your classroom remembering why you chose to be a teacher in the first place!

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During Our Sessions Together...

We will cover the BIG things that keep us stressed and overwhelmed in this profession! Classroom management, relationship building, parent communication, and time management!

Each month (every 4 week session), I will cover topics that are real for you! Choose to be with us for one month, or all 10 months of the year! Each month's content will vary so you will gain all of the skills and strategies you need to successfully run your classroom!

Before your session...

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to access each week's coaching sessions

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.

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